Homework/ Support
In Peregrine class, the emphasis is on home learning rather than homework.
Otherwise, please see below for a number of ways in which you can support your child at home while they are in Peregrine class.
1. Talk to them about their day! This may seem like an obvious one but explaining what they have done in class to you can really help your child to embed their learning.
2. Read
Read with your child as often as possible! It may be that your child is becoming more independent in their reading and that they prefer to read to themselves but please do continue to share lovely books together and talk to them about what they're reading! :)
Year 5 children will have a reading comprehension task to take home every Friday. This task can be completed during the weekend or throughout the week to be checked on the following Friday.
In both year 4 and 5, the children are expected to learn a number of spelling rules and patterns. The children will receive one set of spellings per week to learn at home. Spellings will be sent home on a Friday and there will be a ‘spelling check’ the following Friday.
4. Times Tables
By the end of year 4, children are expected to know all of their times tables up to 12x and I can’t emphasise enough the importance of times table recall in Maths learning. We will be practising times tables regularly in class through a range of fun games and challenges including ‘Big Maths Beat That’ and ‘Times Table Rock Stars’.
You may want to use the websites below for a fun and interactive way to learn times tables.
https://ttrockstars.com/ (Children will have been given a login)
6. Anything else that takes your fancy!
Each term, there will be a topic overview provided. These can be found on the Autumn, Spring and Summer learning tabs on our class page and will give a brief overview of learning across the different subject areas. Please feel free to extend this learning at home through independent research, Art and craft projects, cooking, map skills etc.
Thank you for your continued support!