
The Governors at Ashton Hayes Primary School play an active part in the life of the school.

Where the Headteacher and staff are responsible for the day to day running of the school, the role of the Governing Body is to provide a clear strategic view.  The Governing Body works alongside the Headteacher and senior leaders to identify improvement priorities, monitor pupil progress and the effectiveness of school policy.  They also oversee the financial management and the safety of the school premises.

Meetings are held throughout the year with delegated responsibility to different committees.  The Resources Committee and the Curriculum Committee.  Each of these committees meets termly and reports back to meetings of the Full Governing Body.  Governor development and succession planning are seen as integral to the development of the Governing Body and more informal meetings are held to pursue these aims.

In addition, each Governor is linked to an area of the school’s RICHER curriculum alongside staff subject leaders. The aim of each staff/governor link team is to meet regularly to discuss aspects of the strategic school development plan and to monitor and evaluate actions.

The Governors at Ashton Hayes Primary School are committed volunteers.  They work hard to support and challenge the staff on school improvement and future development.  In addition to their strategic role, governors can often be found in school sorting library books, hearing children read, helping to develop the school garden or accompanying the children on residential visits. 

If you wish to contact a member of the Governing Body, please email Ms Gianna Loparco, Clerk to the Governors:

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