week ending 21.9.18
Date: 21st Sep 2018 @ 3:59pm
Another busy week in Kestel Class!
Thankyou to everyone who came to the Reading Evening - the infomation has gone home with all children today if you were unable to attend. The children have their first reading books today as well as their phonic books awith sound sheets. Please stick these sheets in and use them to practice the sounds and actions.
The children have been doing well with their lunches, and on Thursday and Friday, managed without their buddies.
Please can you send in baby photos next week, so the children can compare themselves now and then.
The children enjoyed Forest School. Please make sure ALL clothes sent in on this day are clearly labelled.
As discussed at the reading evening, please try to send in only 1 healthy snack for break time. More than this canbe too much for them to get through, and take their appetite away for lunchtime.
Have a good weekend
Mrs Cuthbert