Thursday 11th June

Date: 11th Jun 2020 @ 8:16am

Hello team!! Is it Thursday? Mr Morris and I have changed the days that we usually set the blogs and it’s very confusing!!

I hope you’ve all had a great week of home learning, only two more days and it’s the weekend once again. Today, I am setting your English home learning for the next TWO days. It’s up to YOU how you split the tasks up, so maybe have a little plan as to how many tasks you’re going to try and get completed today. The work is based on the poem The Kraken. Whilst it seems like a challenging poem at first, the activities and tasks will hopefully help you to completely understand it and even produce an EVEN BETTER version yourself!

Mr Morris has also asked me to attach the Maths links for the next two days also.

Finally, I know we have mentioned on many occasions that lockdown has seemed to be a time for lots of people to try new things…to learn new skills! I had an orienteering game sent to me the other day which looked really fun, however, I have absolutely no understanding of orienteering!! Whether you know the sport or have never tried it at all…have a go at this challenge. It’s potentially a new skill for you to learn as well as being an awesome reason to get outside with those running shoes at the ready.


It was Frankie John’s first birthday yesterday. And oh what a wonderful day it was. I was very emotional and cried happy tears most of the day. No surprise there. It was filled with LOTS of balloons, WAY too much cake and as I’m sure you can all imagine from my Frankie stories, CRAZY amounts of dancing!!! How could I not share a picture with you all? He really wishes he could meet you you know. At least I think that’s what he is trying to say as he’s currently trying to bang the keyboard as I type with his new wooden hammer!

Have a great day and can’t wait to hear from you:

Miss Fray

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