Peregrine Class 20th November
Date: 20th Nov 2020 @ 4:39pm
Happy Friday!
You might have some sleepy Peregrines this evening (or some very over excited Peregrines - sorry) but either way it's a sign of all the fun that we had at our party this afternoon! It was so lovely to see Peregrines rock up in their party gear and to see so many smiling faces at the end of the day. We hunted for glow sticks, played elbow jousting (previously known as nose jousting), ate cake, played musical rocks and finished off with some karaoke.
Sadly there aren't a huge amount of photos. The dark combined with movement resulted in a lot of blurry ones!
In other news this week:
We've been working on efficient methods for addition and subtraction in maths. We've been looking carefully at calculations to decide whether or not a column method is the most efficient way to reach an answer.
In English, we have started looking at our new text 'Gorilla'. We have been working on our inference skills, using the images in the story to find clues about the main character and her life.
Times tables: Please continue to practise times tables at home for Big Maths on Tuesdays and Fridays. Remember that you have a login for TT Rockstars!
Y3 focus: 3s and 4s
Y4 focus: 3s, 4s, 8s
Year 3: The 'I' sound spelt with a 'y'
Year 4: the 's' sound spelt with a 'c'
Have a lovely weekend!