Monday 8th June
Date: 8th Jun 2020 @ 8:42am
Hello you brilliant lot! Happy Monday!!
How are you all? The weather hasn't been as beautiul since we last spoke, BUT I hope you are making the most of the rain. We went for a rainy walk the other day and Frankie LOVED it! We put our raincoats on and as he is starting to walk and he now has shoes, I put him down on the grass. Well...after lots of rolling and splashing and puddy puddle's safe to say he needed the bath he had when we got in! But it was SO much fun.
I'm really missing you all. I have done this whole time, but it gets bigger and bigger every day that passes. So thinking of positives like jumping in the muddy puddles is something that just makes me smile again. And smiling is very very important at the moment. It's something we all need to try and do as MUCH as possible to make the rubbbish feelings that little bit easier.
For your home learning today we wanted to try something a little bit different. I would like you to go onto the BBC bitesize webiste ( ) , select the year group that you are in, and have a go at some of the lessons on there (try and do at least 3/4). I'm not going to tell you which lessons to do!! So pick what YOU love. It doesn't have to include English and Maths, but it can do if you choose those. The reason we are doing this today is to let you explore the other brilliant lessons that are available to you. We can only set you so much work on here and unfortunately it can't include all the other brillaint subjects we learn in school. For most of you, the work we set should be plenty, but for those days when you wizz through the work that we have set, or you just want to learn about music or history or art in more depth, this is a FAB website to use.
Please let us know how you get on. Send us in some of the work you get up to and let us know if you like the website!
I hope that you all have a lovely Monday and if you are feeling a bit what I said at the beginning of this blog. Think of the things that make you smile, and smile! It makes you feel SO much better. I promise.
Sending you all lots of happy thoughts,
Miss Fray
ps. If you're struggling to find something that makes you instantly smile...this happy dog will not fail...