Kestrel Home Learning w/c 30.3.20
Date: 30th Mar 2020 @ 8:25am
Good Morning. I hope everyone had an enjoyable weekend, I have started a new blog for this week to reduce the amount of scrolling required - however please do refer back to the links and activites on the original home learning blog.
Hopefully you will have started to become a little more adjusted to this verynew situation we are in. As last week, each day I am adding a range of activities which cover different areas of learning and learning styles. Everyone is in a totally different situation, so please just do as much as you can or adapt the ideas to suit you own circumstances. This week, in phonics, we are going to be revising sounds the children have already visitied to help the children really practice and apply them.
I have loved hearing from the children via the home learning email. It has been lovely to find out what they have been doing.
Monday 30th March
Ai in rain – can you think of words with ai in and then blend / segment (build and explode) them with a fist bump for each sound (phoneme) and then pushing them all together? R-ai-n (rain, pain, train, hail etc)
Can you read (and/ or write) the following sentence together? I sang a song in the rain.
Phonicplay – phase 3 dragons den – phase 3 +ai
Share a story from home then draw a picture and write a sentence about your favourite part.
3d shapes
Using objects from around home –maybe cans, packaging etc from the kitchen, toys and other items… can you explore which items roll and which ones don’t? what do you notice about all the ones that roll / don’t roll?
What 2d shapes do you notice on the objects? Can you talk about the properties of the different objects you have found? (can you name the 3d shapes?)
Obviously it will depend upon what resources you have at home, but can you make an Easter card – with an Easter message inside? Please see attached file for ideas.
30 minute Joe Wicks workout
Using pencils, water and brushes, chalk etc Can you practice how to write the letter ‘p’
Remember to go ‘around the pirate’s face and down his plait’
Nature hunt – can you do some Leaf / bark printing / rubbing / or perhaps press some flowers inside a book?
Best Wishes
Mrs Cuthbert
Tuesday 31st March
Hello! I hope everyone is ok? It's been lovely hearing what Kestrels have been doing. It's also lovely to hear of the ways people have adapted or taken part in the different activities to fit with your own situation. Please do as much as you all feel comfortable with. The tasks are open-ended so you can take them as far as you wish. There are also many other ideas and activities on our school website aswell as the fantastic resources that are coming onto social media, youtube etc from storytelling to museum and zoo tours.
Ee in leek - can you think of words with ee in and then blend / segment (build and explode) them with a fist bump for each sound (phoneme) and then pushing them all together? l-ee-k (week, feet, teeth etc)
Can you read (and/ or write) the following sentence together?
He can see his big feet.
Phonics play – phase 3 make a match ‘ee’
Reading – oxford owl ebooks …
Leek Hotpot
p.1 what do you think they will make? Have you got any cookbooks
p.2/3 what room are they in? how do you know? what is Dad looking for? What vegetables can you see?
p.4/5 Can you use Biff and Dad’s voices for the speech bubbles?
p.6 why do you think they need a ‘deep pot’
p.10/11 What do you think will happen next?
Teen numbers 11 – Watch Numberblocks ‘eleven’, bbc iplayer
Can you put your number cards in order and find 11? Which number is before / after it? Can you practice writing it?
Number 11 treasure hunt - can you find 11different objects – what different ways could you arrange your objects? Using your number cards could you pick a number from1-11 and then pick out that number of objects from your collection?
Can you find a Daffodil / spring flower or blossom? Can you do a painting / drawing / take photos of it – remember to look really closely at it and think about what shape it is, how many petals it has, what colour they are etc
30 minute Joe Wicks workout
Using pencils, water and brushes, chalk etc
Can you practice how to write the letter ‘h’
Remember to go ‘down the horses head to his hooves and over his back’
Either inside or outside can you build an amazing den?
Have a lovely day
Mrs Cuthbert
Wednesday 1st April
April Fool's day! watch out for any tricks that might get played!
Good Morning - I hope everyone is ok?
Phonics - Igh in night - can you think of words with igh in and then blend / segment (build and explode) them with a fist bump for each sound (phoneme) and then pushing them all together? L-ight-t (night, high, fright etc)
Can you read (and/ or write) the following sentence together?
Is it light at night?
Can you read the Yes no questions together (attached file) and decide if they are a thumbs up for true or thumbs down for false.
Phonicplay phase 3- dragons den +igh
Can you choose and watch a Cbeebies bedtime story
3d shapes
Can you make a model either using recycled materials (Junk modelling) or blocks or a ‘construction kit’ eg lego etc
For example, Could you build a shed for the prize cow, a chair for baby bear? A carrier for an Easter egg?? When you talk to your grown up about your model, can you tell them – what shapes you can see on it, which bits were easy / tricky to fit together – why do you think that was?
Obviously it will depend upon what resources you have at home, but can you make an Easter basket? please see attached file for ideas...
30 minute Joe Wicks workout
Using pencils, water and brushes, chalk etc
Can you practice how to write the letter ‘r’
Remember to go ‘down the robot’s back and then curl over his arm’
Teddy school – can you tell your toys a story and teach them all the sounds and numbers you know?
Have a fun day
Mrs Cuthbert
Thursday 2nd April
Good morning everyone. Apologies for the slighty later blog today - I am in school so a bit of a different routine.
Ng in ring - can you think of words with ng in and then blend / segment (build and explode) them with a fist bump for each sound (phoneme) and then pushing them all together? R-i-ng (wing, ping, song etc) Can you read (and/ or write) the following sentence together?
I can sing a song.
Shared Reading – oxford owl ebooks …'Can you do this?'
On each page, talk about the different things the boy is asking the dad to do… can your child do these things? What extra things could they think of to ask the dad to do?
Teen numbers 12
Watch Numberblocks, series 3 ‘twelve’,
Can you put your number cards in order and find 12? Which number is before / after it? Can you practice writing it?
Can you play a dice game – with 2 dice, take it in turns to roll them and then count up the spots – the person with the highest number of spots wins a point. Or alternatively roll your 2 dice and put a counter on the number card 1-12 that your total matches. When you are counting the spots can you ‘count on’ from the total number of spots on the first dice?
Can you play an ICT game? This could be on a tablet, phone or laptop – maybe phonicplay, cbeebies, bugs and buttons, purple mash etc
30 minute Joe Wicks workout
Using pencils, water and brushes, chalk etc
Can you practice how to write the letter ‘l’
Remember to ‘go down the long leg’
Can you find out about Easter, why it is celebrated and traditions associated with it?
these clips have some good ideas
Easter treasure hunt –make up (and maybe write) clues to find, eggs, carrots etc
Have a good day and don't forget to keep sending me emails so I can hear all your lovley news
Mrs Cuthbert
Friday 3rd April
Hard to beleive that today is the last day of the Spring term - although time seems like a funny thing at the moment...
Kestrels. Mums and Dads - Well done to everyone for the amazing home learning you have been doing - it;s been a big change thats not always easy and I have seen some wonderful iseas and activities.
I won't be blogging specific activities over the next two weeks, but please carry on practicing the skills you are already working on, use the ideas in the attached files from last week and all the other amazing resources you have already been using.
Today's activities...
Oa in goat - can you think of words with ai in and then blend / segment (build and explode) them with a fist bump for each sound (phoneme) and then pushing them all together? S-o-ng (ring, sing, hang etc)
Can you write a sentence about this picture? (see attached file) remember to talk about and plan your sentence first so you are really clear about what words you want to use.
Phonics play – phase 3 grab a giggling grapheme - +ai, ee, igh, oa
Symmetry – using either the youtube link or the book if you have it, share The Very hungry Caterpillar. At the end of the story have a look at the butterfly, noticing that his wings are the same on each side (symmetrical) can you either 1.fold paper in half, unfold it, paint half a butterfly and then fold it back to ‘print’ it. 2. Draw or chalk a butterfly that is the same on each side or 3. Make some symmetrical patterns that are the same on each side.
Can you find anything else in your home that is the same on each side?
Please see the link for some clips on the Easter story and traditions associated with Easter (NB same link as yesterday so you may have already looked at this)
30 minute Joe Wicks workout
Using pencils, water and brushes, chalk etc
Can you practice how to write the letter ‘i’
Remember to go ‘down the insect’s body and then do a dot for the head’
Can you start an ongoing family tournament – for example jenga, twister, pass the pigs, dobble etc. Maybe find a way to record or keep a tally of the scores?
Have a lovely Easter Break, Stay safe and I will see you back here on Monday 20th April.
Mrs Cuthbert