Kestrel Blog 9th October
Date: 9th Oct 2020 @ 1:28pm
Friday 9th October
Kestrels have been developing their story telling techniques this week. We have made a story map if the Gingerbread man story and used it to develop our story telling language.
In phonics we have learnt the sounds m,d and g. we have also been developing our blending skills to read words.
We have been trying to use picture in stories to develop our comprehension - how is a character feeling? how do you know? what clues are in the picture? in addition we have been introducing the idea of the setting in the story - where does the story take place? how do you know?
In maths we have been comparing differences in size, mass and capacity - which conatiner holds more/ less? which object is bigger / smaller?
Following on from the 'Only One You' book, we have been thinking about our characteristics make us special. We have also been sharing which of of friends 'strengths' we really like.
Although I wasn't in school today, I hope everyone had a lovely day dressing up in their own clothes and 'expressing themselves'!
Have a good weekend
Mrs Cuthbert
I am really trying to upload photos from today ontohere for you, but they are all going on upside down! Even if I rotate them before uploading, they still go upside down! I will keep tryng, but you may just have to rotate your device if I don't succeed! Sorry (Mr Gilbert)