FrIday 27th November
Date: 27th Nov 2020 @ 3:00pm
Friday 27th November
Year 2 spellings this week are; medal, petal, capital, hospital, animal, equal, final, pedal, local, magical.
Year 3 spellings are; disappoint, disagree, disobey, disable, dislike, dislocate, disappear, disadvantage, disapprove, dislodge.
There are two new unknown jumpers and a cardigan in the cloakroom. They belong to somebody in Owl class but with no name in them we don’t know who they belong too! So, if you are missing jumpers or a cardigan let us know!
Miss Carter sent home “A Happy Minds” book with your child during the first lockdown. Could you please return this book to school as we will be doing some work in it.
Mrs Howe