Day 43 Home learning
Date: 10th Jun 2020 @ 9:12am
Morning Owls,
Each week I look forward to our class Zoom session on a Thursday. The letter has got a bit delayed this week but should be with you now. We are meeting up at 3:00 on Thurday as usual. This week we are talking about a new skill, or something you have improved upon in lockdown. I have seen a lot of brilliant new things from you lot over the last few weeks, but is really strange not seeing you each day and just chatting about the things you have done all the time. I have had to learn a lot of new skills in my time at home. Lots of family things, new school things and lots of website things. In fact, who had ever heard of doing a Zoom back in February? And now it has become one of our most common ways of communicating.