Day 32 Home learning

Date: 20th May 2020 @ 8:47am


Morning Owls,

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week and the theme for this week is KINDNESS. It comes at a time when we all need to be looking after our mental health and that of others. The 1 minute video above is a great reminder about why it is great to be kind, especially right now where a little kindness can make a great difference. 

Mental Health Awareness Week is an annual week-long event organised by the Mental Health Foundation, which aims to support communities, families and individuals in driving change towards a mentally healthy society for all.

I have put a great resource in your 'homework' on here that has been sent to us from Rosie and Tilly's mum who knows a bit about the subject! (Thank you) 

There are loads of great supportive resources here: too.