Day 5 - Home Learning 5 - surely time to rebrand
Date: 27th Mar 2020 @ 2:25pm
We hope you've all had a good first week, as good as things can be in the current situation. There are lots of updates on the school website. Please keep checking the Blogs, where the teachers are checking in and setting worked that can be completed throughout the day. Please be reassured, the work set is a guideline, and you should work around your children and how they are feeling. Any questions you may have, please drop the teachers a line on the home learning emails - they will get back to you as soon as they can.
In the meantime, as we cannot complete the secret reader now we are out of school, please tune in to the first edition of 'Ashtonory', a daily broadcast of storytelling from a 'secret teacher / teaching assistant'. Tune in to Facebook or this Blog to see which storyteller it is.
Stay safe,
Mr Hover