4th September - A Fantastic Start for Peregrines
Date: 4th Sep 2020 @ 3:57pm
What a brilliant start to the school year! Peregrine class have had a fantastic first two days and I'm so proud of the children for the maturity and resilience they have shown in adapting to our new procedures and routines! Every single one of them, despite the nerves that they must have been feeling, came in on Thursday morning with huge smiles on their faces and this was so lovely to see!
On Thursday, we started exploring the story 'Here We Are' by Oliver Jeffers. We talked about our experiences of lockdown, our summer, our school (and how it will be a little different) and our feelings about all of this. We also came up with a class contract and we have all signed in gold finger prints to say that we agree!
Today, we got stuck into reading. We made beautiful collaged books for our reading area with book recommendations inside for our peers to read. these are interchangeable so we can keep recommending amazing books all year round!
The children have all chosen a reading book to take home with them today (unless they are a free reader and have a book at home that they are already reading). From the discussions that we had today, it seems that many of the children have done LOTS of reading over the lockdown period which is fantastic. This does mean that our reading records from back in March may be a little out of date now and your child may have bought home a book today which now doesn't feel like enough of a challenge. Please do bear with us while we assess your child in reading over the next few weeks to ensure that they are bringing home books of the right level.
I hope your child has had a fantastic first two days! There will be no homework this week. I'm sure they'll be glad to hear it!
Have a lovely weekend!
Miss D :)