16th October Kestrels
Date: 16th Oct 2020 @ 4:59pm
16th October
It has been lovely making the most of the autumn sunshine with kestrels this week and spending time on the field and school grounds.
In phonics this week we have looked at the sound CK and O. We have explored building words using the sound so far and writing labels for animals that use those letters.
We have created and continued repeating patterns and we have started to explore the numbers 1, 2 and 3, thinking about where we find groups of objects that match those numbers and how we can create those numbers as well as which numbers are more and less than each other. In our story baskets we have different books that each have three characters for example 3 little pigs three billy goats gruff and three bears.
We have started to create story maps for the gingerbread man story which the kestrel children did really well with, we are looking forward to continuing those next week.
Have a restful weekend, Mrs Cuthbert.